


Here I am going to show you a unique concept
For which you need to be a professional
You need “Unity” software
and professional training
You should be familiar with
“Bone Based Unity” then only you can do
this kind of animation

But I am not doing anything in this blog for professionals
Neither you nor I are professionals
So keeping the concept of unity, I developed
the simplest way
So that you can do it in PSP & Animation Shop

Open the old man in PSP
With Freehand Selection Tool, select right leg

Copy & paste as new image. Minimize it
Hit delete in your keyboard
You will get this. Copy & paste as new image
Call it O1

Minimize it
Hit undo twice, to return in original picture
With Freehand Selection Tool, select left leg

Copy & paste as new image. Minimize it
Hit delete in your keyboard
You will get this. Copy & paste as new image
Call it O2

Minimize it
Hit undo twice, to return in original picture
Now we have two legs

Two one leged old man & original old man

We can start now
Copy & paste original old man
IMPORTANT: Do not work on original picture
your animation will be jumpy
Copy & Paste O1 as new layer
It will fit above old man automatically
With 100% perfection
Copy & Paste right leg as new layer
With move tool place it in place
So that it will match with
Original picture of old man
If required zoom the whole picture
Close the old man layer by clicking on the eye
Stand on right leg layer
With Raster Deform move the right leg little upward
Merge these 2 layers (Merge Down)
Rename O1

Copy & Paste O2 as new layer
It will fit above old man automatically
Copy & Paste left leg as new layer
With move tool place it in place

Stand on left leg layer
With Raster Deform move the left leg little upward

Merge these 2 layers (Merge Down)
Rename O2
Now you have 3 layers
Old Man, O1 and O2

Close O2
Edit - Copy Merged
Paste above a JPEG picture, as new layer
Open O2, close O1
Edit - Copy Merged
Paste as new layer
Move a little below, with move tool
Do it as many time as required, alternately
I used a JPEG picture of Zebra Crossing

Keep the JPEG layer open
Open the layer one by one from bottom
Edit – Copy Merged
Paste in Animation Shop after current frame
Timing 40 to 50. I have given 50
Because the man is old, therefore slower
Save as GIF
If you do not know how to save
See my “Animation Tutorial”
At the left- bottom of index
First try it. If you are comfortable enough
Try the dog also

I hope your work will be like a professional
This way you can move different body parts
But we are not working in Unity
So you need right kind of picture
not just any picture

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